When a limit has been set so that individuals can only take a test a certain number of times, they will be prevented from retaking that test after they have exceeded the limit. A file named delentry.htm can be installed in the web-browsable section of the SST server to give the course administrator easy access to enable further test taking.
The delentry.htm file needs to be customized so that the form action points to the right location for SST (using rdgsvtst).
The course administrator may use either a cross-course password as set up in the "readygo.sst" file or can use the administrative password for reports for the specific course. The central password in "readygo.sst" allows use of one password for all courses. The course-specific password allows granting of this right to individuals who then can only control the one course of interest.
If the value for number of entries is a negative number, all entries for the specific user will be eliminated.
Entries are not actually deleted. Simply, the user ID is modified by pre-pending "del_". So, by reviewing the course reports for a specific test, entries assigned to individual users can still be seen.