Configuring SST on IIS
The following steps are things to look out for when setting up IIS
Step Instruction What it looks like
1 Make sure IIS is installed. For Windows NT, look in Start | Programs. You should find either "Internet Information Server" or "Peer Web Server". In Windows 2000/XP go to Start | Settings | Control Panel. Then select "Administrative Tools". You should find "Internet Services Manager"
2 Make sure you set execute privileges for the scripts directory. Also make sure the SST files have been placed in the directory.
3 For the SST configuration files, create a directory named readygo in the scripts directory. If you are using NTFS (file system) make sure you grant read/write privileges to the readygo directory and all directories below it to the IUSR_machine name (or Internet Guest Account).
4 The \inetpub\scripts directory does not need to grant read/write privileges to the Internet User account. It only needs to grant execute privileges.
5 The directories below \inetpub\scripts\readygo do need read/write privileges so that when student results are submitted, they can be stored.
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