There is a set of tags for cascading style sheets (CSS) to control the format and layout of the responses produced by SST.
First, you need to enable style sheets for the entire course.
The styles that apply to SST can be found in the "Sub-pages" section of the Style Sheet Configuration/Usage dialog. You may need to add these to your style sheet manually:

.sst #summarydiv {} /* Most text from SST is in the summary */
.sst #summaryspan {}
.sst TABLE.testtable {} /* Table that controls layout of test pages */
.sst TD.testqimg {} /* "Q" image next to each question */
.sst TD.testquest {} /* text of a question on the question page */
.sst span.testansgrp span.testpref {} /* group of selection titles for preference questions */
.sst span.testans span.testpref {} /* text of individual preference/likert selection */
.sst TD.testpref{} /* table cell for preference questions */
.sst span.submit span.test {} /* "Submit" button for all test/forms */
BODY.sst SPAN.titleline {} /* Title line when SST generates */
BODY.sst SPAN.titleimg {vertical-align:top;float:left;} /* Title image for SST-generated page */
BODY.sst SPAN.title{} /* Title text for SST generated page */
BODY.sst SPAN.form {} /* Any forms such as registration generated by SST. Test forms are handled separately */
SPAN.formtitle {} /* Title above form for registration */
/* The following are used for feedback/results pages with SST */
span.resultblk span.txt {} /* For text "feedback:" and "Question Number"*/
span.resultblk span.rightans {color:green;} /* If displaying correct answer to question */
span.resultblk span.wrongans {color:red;} /* If displaying student's answer when it is wrong. */
span.resultblk span.rightquest {color:green;} /* If displaying question text - student answers right */
span.resultblk span.wrongquest {color:red;} /* If displaying question text - student answers wrong */
span.resultblk span.youans {} /* For text "You answered:" */
span.resultblk span.corrans {} /* For text "Correct answer: " */
span.resultblk span.num {margin-left:1em;width:3em;} /* Question number */
span.resultblk IMG {} /* Any images such as "Q", check, and "X" that appear in feedback */