1.4.1 1.4a This is what a test looks like
Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

1. A test:
1. A. Measures a student's comprehension 2. B. Reinforces learning 3. C. Teaches from doing
2. Is this a True/False Question?
True False
3. Put in "right answer" to get this one right
4. What is the average speed of people on the freeway

5. Which of the following sports would you watch on TV?
1. A. Tennis 2. B. Soccer 3. C. Swimming 4. D. Golf 5. E. Football
6. How do feel about creating training for the web?
Can't wait I am scared

1. Creating
2. Test Questions
3. Configuring
4. Tracking
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