Choosing a solution: Mobile Apps vs ReadyGo's Solution
There are two different ways to build mLearning. Courses can be made available via a specific application that runs on only one type of smartphone - most commonly called an App; or ReadyGo creates a Universal Mobile App based on the mobile browser - allowing the same course to work on all smartphones. The pro's and con's of each approach is detailed below:
There are two different ways to build mLearning. Courses can be made available via a specific application that runs on only one type of smartphone (most commonly called an App) or from a mobile browser, allowing the same course to work on all smartphones.  The pro's and con's of each approach is detailed below:
Feature Pro Con ReadyGo's Solution
ReadyGo's Solution
Creating mLearning - a SmartPhone accessible web course One development cycle works on all the different smartphones. Need to test your course to make sure you have not added technology that does not work on a specific phone. For example iPhone does not support Flash.
Need to make sure that when you are creating your mLearning courses you don't put too much information on a page
ReadyGo has done all the work behind the scenes.  Just use our tool to create mLearning including tests and surveys that work on all the smartphones.
Accessing mLearning It uses web technology - nothing to download. Learners don't have to download your ReadyGo build course from a store. You can e-mail or text them a link to the course. They can then bookmark the link in their mobile browser.
Running mLearning It uses web technology.  If designed properly it works on all smartphones.

Cost mLearning Cost to serve: It uses web technology,  typically no cost unless you charge for the course.
Cost to create: ReadyGo WCB costs $499.  No programming skills necessary to create courses and tests that work on all smartphones.
Mobile Apps Pro Con ReadyGo
Creating an App as a course When developing for a specific platform, App creators can be assured that their feature works. An App can be developed so that it is optimized to run effectively on a specific mobile devices. An App developer needs to create specifically for each platform e.g. Android, Blackberry, iPhone, ... Each player uses a different operating system and supports different technology. Porting to different players is not trivial.
Downloading an App Apps are found in smartphone vendor stores.  Making it easy for smartphone users to find, buy, and install an App For company specific confidential information it is very difficult to get an App to a mobile user without going through a vendor's store .
Running an App Apps are bought from an App store.  They download quickly and run on your SmartPhone
  • Many times end users will not have access to the necessary network speeds to download and install the Apps they want on the fly. 
  • Learners will need to download a course ahead of time.
  • Can your learners access your training from your web site or will you need to register your mLearning courses with a smartphone vendor?

Cost for an App Cost to serve: App stores make it simple to sell courses.Cost to create: It costs anywhere between $10,000 to $150,000 to create one mLearning app that works with one type of smartphone. Consumers need to pay to access many popular Apps
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