Site Map
  1. 1. Setting up a Survey
    1. 1.1 Surveys
    2. 1.2 Getting Started
    3. 1.3 Turning on a Survey
    4. 1.4 Starting your course on a survey
    5. 1.5 Survey only chapter
  2. 2. Question Types
    1. 2.1 Adding Survey Questions
    2. 2.2 Creating Multiple Choice questions
    3. 2.3 Creating Multiple Selection questions
    4. 2.4 Creating Multiple Selection (Pull-down) questions
    5. 2.5 Creating Select from Pull-down questions
    6. 2.6 Creating True/False questions
    7. 2.7 Creating Text Entry questions
    8. 2.8 Creating Numeric questions
    9. 2.9 Creating Ranking/Sequence questions
    10. 2.10 Creating Preference questions
  3. 3. Tracking Results
    1. 3.1 Tracking Results
    2. 3.2 Saving Results with Server Side Testing
    3. 3.3 Transferring Files
    4. 3.4 Specifying Parameters for Server-Side Testing
    5. 3.5 Registration Views
    6. 3.6 Where are the survey Results for Server-Side Testing?
    7. 3.7 Server-Side Testing Reports
    8. 3.8 Creating your own reports