3.7 Server-Side Testing Reports
You can view the survey results for your courses in reports.
  1. The reports are in HTML so you can view them in your browser.
  1. You can specify an administrative password for a course in Web Course Builder. Anyone viewing the reports must know the password.
  1. Reports include:
    • A list of all the courses on the server
    • A list of students who took a course and the survey results for each student
    • The survey results for each survey in a course
    • Raw results files displayed directly in your browser so you can copy/paste the results to your computer and into a spreadsheet
  1. You can sort the results reports on any column. This also gives you survey statistics including number of students who took the survey, how they responded, etc.
It's True! It's True! Course developers can view the reports from Web Course Builder's Course-wide Setup.