The Aurora Public School District's
Company: Aurora Public School District
Business: Education
Location: Colorado

The Organization
The Technology Training Services department of the Aurora Public Schools District is responsible for ensuring that approximately 4,000 employees are up to speed on a variety of topics. Recently, the school district has used ReadyGo Web Course Builder (WCB), e-Learning and m-Learning software, to train staff in the use of Corel and Microsoft products such as Word, Corel WordPerfect, and others. ReadyGo WCB is also being used to help teachers gain re-certification

The Challenge
Prior to purchasing seven seats of ReadyGo WCB, the district relied on classroom training and some online training courses. Unfortunately, creating the online courses frequently resulted in staff overtime, plus the cost of expensive software.

"I can remember courses that took six months to create," says Nancy MacBride, a computer software trainer with the district. "With ReadyGo, I can create the same course in a week because the basics are built in."

The ReadyGo WCB Solution
ReadyGo WCB speeds the course creation process in several ways. Most importantly the subject matter expert is the only person required to create most courses. Web pedagogy is built into the program eliminating the need for a person experienced with designing for the web. The tool produces a mini-website: Navigation, links, and resources are available to everyone at any screen size using any browser including AOL.

"We have used many other products to create e-learning sites," says MacBride. "There are all sorts of problems -- links don't work, a single change messes up the whole page, many different problems. With ReadyGo WCB, things simply work."

MacBride says that feedback from those taking ReadyGo WCB courses is positive. They consider the look of the pages pleasing, and like the links that take them to more in-depth information. Overall, MacBride says the quality is much better.

"We plan to expand our online offerings to other school districts," says MacBride. "ReadyGo WCB will play a role in delivering courses quickly and effectively."

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