Site Map
  1. 1. New features leading to the 9.+ release
    1. 1.1 Bug Fixes and updates
    2. 1.2 Support for all SmartPhones and Tablets
    3. 1.3 New Mobile templates
    4. 1.4 Dual Templates
    5. 1.5 Advanced Copy/Paste
    6. 1.6 Microsoft IE 8 support
    7. 1.7 Drag-n-Drop update
    8. 1.8 Map as first page
    9. 1.9 Update to ReadyGo SST reports
    10. 1.10 New additional templates
  2. 2. ReadyGo Merchant Connect
    1. 2.1 What is ReadyGo Merchant Connect
    2. 2.2 ReadyGo Merchant Connect Overview
    3. 2.3 Step 1 - Create a course using ReadyGo WCB
    4. 2.4 Step 2 - Set up a Google Checkout Account
    5. 2.5 Step 3 - Identify Your Course Location
    6. 2.6 Step 4 - Selling a Course from Your Web Site
    7. 2.7 Your Customer's Experience
    8. 2.8 Courses for More then One Student
    9. 2.9 Prerequisites
  3. 3. New Features in ReadyGo WCB 8.0
    1. 3.1 Track SCORM objects such as Captivate
    2. 3.2 HTML5
    3. 3.3 New Tool Appearance
    4. 3.4 Progress Control
    5. 3.5 Course Properties Page
    6. 3.6 New Hide and Omit Features
    7. 3.7 Other improvements
  4. 4. New Features in SST
    1. 4.1 Administrative Group Reports
    2. 4.2 Tracking Users within a Course
    3. 4.3 Permitting Test Re-takes
  5. 5. ReadyGo Administrator
    1. 5.1 ReadyGo Administrator Overview
    2. 5.2 Administrator Page
    3. 5.3 Course Creator Upload Page
    4. 5.4 Notifications
    5. 5.5 Important information
  6. 6. New Features in Version 7.0
  7. 7. New Features in Version 6.0
    1. 7.1 Nine New Test Questions
    2. 7.2 Customize the links to test pages
    3. 7.3 Preference Question Enhancements
    4. 7.4 Add Test Question Hints
    5. 7.5 New Test Scoring Options
    6. 7.6 Frame Layout Options
    7. 7.7 Drag and Drop Graphics into your Course
    8. 7.8 Improved Web Standards Compliance
    9. 7.9 Test Engine Enhancements with Server-Side Testing
New ReadyGo Features
1. WCB Version 9.+
2. Merchant Connect
3. WCB Version 8.0
4. SST Version 8.0
5. Administrator
6. WCB Version 7.0
7. WCB Version 6.0
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