
3.10 Current State of Web Courses |
Most courses on the web fall into one of the following classifications:
Class 1: Narrated PowerPoint
PowerPoint is not eLearning. It is a presentation online (yes, it is still just a presentation online even if you add audio and make it an automatic Flash presentation).
Does not adhere to best of breed web characteristics.
What would you think if you went to a web site that was made out of PowerPoint?
An average student stays on a PowerPoint2Flash presentation 2 to 5 minutes while they stay on a web course that adhere to the principles discussed in this course 25 minutes to an hour.
Students on average score 20% higher when taking a web based course then watching a PowerPoint2Flash presentation.
(yes - the instructional design in a web based courses makes a difference)
Class 2: Daisy chained web or graphic pages
Does not adhere to best of breed web characteristics.
Is just a fancier version of PowerPoint.
Class 4: Rapid eLearning
Can be very effective if it adheres to the principles laid out in this course.
Class 3: Traditional eLearning
If done right is great, but can be very expensive.