5.3 Sharing and Reusing Course Objects
ReadyGo has several options that make your content highly reusable. ReadyGo's structure gives you many more definitions of course "objects" including chapters, pages, tests, etc.
  1. You can copy/paste any course settings, entire course, chapter, page, FAQs page, test, quiz, survey, step-by-step, try-this, tell-me-more, glossary, etc. from one course to another. This means, for example, that if you create a glossary, you can simply copy/paste it into another course so that it is used there.
    1. When you regenerate your course, all the content has a uniform look-and-feel. That way you don't end up with a course that looks like a
      R a N s O m N o T E
  1. You can copy/paste PowerPoint presentations into your ReadyGo courses. Page titles are brought over as titles; bullets come over as bullets. Save your graphics as files and then add them into ReadyGo.
  1. You can press the "Preview Text" button on the toolbar. The course's text is saved as an ASCII file that is loaded into your word processor. You can also copy/paste any ReadyGo course element into your word processor.
  1. Regenerate your course so it has other standards enabled (e.g. AICC) simply by changing your Grading Method selection. Now, if you change LMSs, you don't have to completely re-implement your course.
  1. The Manifest built by ReadyGo lists all the course assets (graphics) with the "ALT" tag you provide as their descriptor. You can use this list to find the graphics you want to reuse.
  1. Change the look-and-feel of your course content, and regenerate it for different customers.
It's True! It's True! ReadyGo courses meet the ADA, Section 508 recommendations for courses to work with blind readers.