4.3 Customizing your Course with Style Sheets
Cascading style sheets (CSS) give you a web standard method of controlling the layout and the appearance of your course. Style sheets allow you to change font style, what elements are displayed, paragraph styles, and more.
  1. You control how much of the layout is controlled by style sheets. You can specify that some of the layout is done using HTML with a limited amount style sheet use or you can specify that all layout is controlled with style sheets.
  1. You can edit your style sheet in Web Course Builder or you can edit the style sheet in a CSS or text editor of your choice and load it into your course later.
  1. You can share a style sheet across multiple courses. This makes making a style change to all your course a simple matter of changing one style sheet.
  1. You can also save copies of the style sheet for use with other courses you create or edit.
  1. You can create a Right-to-Left style from an existing left-to-right template (style sheet) by swapping the right and left in the style sheet. To swap left and right in your style sheet, click the "right" <-> "left" button.
It's True! It's True! You can also customize your style sheets by clicking the Style Sheets button in the Course Properties window.
Step-by-step 4.3.1 4.3a Need more details? This Step-By-Step page will show you how.
Sub-page Sub-page4.3.2 4.3b Take a quick tour to see how style sheets work in WCB.
Web Course Builder Tutorial
1Building a Course
2Adding Page Elements
3Adding Tests and Surveys
4Changing the Appearance
5Managing a Course
6Using Service Bar Features
7Tracking Test Results
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