4.3 Customizing your Course with Style Sheets |
Cascading style sheets (CSS) give you a web standard method of controlling the layout and the appearance of your course. Style sheets allow you to change font style,
what elements are displayed, paragraph styles, and more.
- You control how much of the layout is controlled by style sheets.
You can specify that some of the layout is done using HTML with a limited amount
style sheet use or you can specify that all layout is controlled with style sheets.
- You can edit your style sheet in Web Course Builder or you can edit the style sheet
in a CSS or text editor of your choice and load it into your course later.
- You can share a style sheet across multiple courses. This makes making a style change
to all your course a simple matter of changing one style sheet.
- You can also save copies of the style sheet for use with other courses you create or edit.
- You can create a Right-to-Left style from an existing left-to-right template (style
sheet) by swapping the right and left in the style sheet. To swap left and right
in your style sheet, click the "right" <-> "left" button.