3.1 IMS (XML) Overview
The IMS specification is an XML-based standard that currently can be used to describe a course's structure. It does not address browser-to-server communication. This information is only used when loading the course into the server.
  1. IMS is driven by IEEE LTSC
  2. The IMS 1.1 specification describes Content Packaging
  3. Course Descriptor Files:
    1. Manifest: List of files that make up the course
    2. The manifest contains a Description of each "Resource"
    3. A "resource" may be a graphic, an HTML page, a chapter, or an entire course
  1. The format of the "Manifest" is IMS XML
  1. XML is not a is only a mechanism.
  1. XML is over-hyped!
    1. XML is a flexible data storage format
    1. Every organization/company is trying to define their own standard for the storage of data
    1. Analogy: "Does your course produce XML?" = "Is your car made of Aluminum?" Aluminum does not tell you anything about a car. It is just a metal used in the building of cars. XML doesn't define anything about a course or a web site, it can just be used as a data storage format