The IMS specification is an XML-based standard that currently can be used to describe a course's structure. It does not address browser-to-server communication. This information is only used when loading the course into the server.
IMS is driven by IEEE LTSC
The IMS 1.1 specification describes Content Packaging
Course Descriptor Files:
Manifest: List of files that make up the course
The manifest contains a Description of each "Resource"
A "resource" may be a graphic, an HTML page, a chapter, or an entire course
The format of the "Manifest" is IMS XML
XML is not a is only a mechanism.
XML is over-hyped!
XML is a flexible data storage format
Every organization/company is trying to define their own standard for the storage of data
Analogy: "Does your course produce XML?" = "Is your car made of Aluminum?" Aluminum does not tell you anything about a car. It is just a metal used in the building of cars. XML doesn't define anything about a course or a web site, it can just be used as a data storage format