1.1.1 1.1a Collapse of Safety Culture
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Using the previous pages "Collapse of a Safety Culture" order the statements below in order (1 is first stage > 5 is last stage)
 * 1. A. Carelessness
small errors are neglected as unimportant .....
 * 2. B. Collapse
Management is "overwhelmed" and confused.
Targets and Control functions have been implemented?
But applied? And noticed?
 * 3. C. Overestimation of one's own capabilities
We are the experts. we are the best, in our case it works....
 * 4. D. Danger
Rejecting of Critic as "prejudiced"- "incorrect"
Control body fear conflict with the management > silence
 * 5. E. Denial
Failures are increasing, but they are noticed as single one's.
Audit findings are not typical but overdrawn pictured ....

Basic Introduction
1Safety Culture
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