5.1.1 5.1a

1. Which of these tables are important resources for the hazmat employee to utilize, to be able to successfully complete their packaging, marking, labeling, and shipping of hazardous materials responsibilities?
1. A. Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities 2. B. Hazardous Materials Table 3. C. List of Marine Pollutants 4. D. All of the above
2. “Dichlone” in a one-pound (net weight) package is regulated as a
1. A. hazardous substance 2. B. marine pollutant 3. C. radionuclide 4. D. severe marine pollutant
3. The packaging requirements for the proper shipping name “Flammable solid, inorganic, n.o.s., 4.1, UN3178, PGII” are found in ____________ of the HMT.
1. A. Column 5 2. B. Column 6 3. C. Column 7 4. D. Column 8
4. When determining the basic description for “Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A”, what is the correct hazard class or division that should be included?
1. A. 2.1 – (Division 2.1 - Flammable gases) 2. B. 2.2 – (Division 2.2 - Non-flammable gases) 3. C. 2.3 – (Division 2.3 - Poison gases) 4. D. None - No hazard class or division is indicated
5. The “+” sign in Column 1 of the HMT
1. A. fixes the proper shipping name, hazard class or division, and packing group. 2. B. identifies hazardous substances. 3. C. fixes the packaging requirements. 4. D. fixes the quantity limitations.
6. Copra is regulated when transported by
1. A. A (Aircraft) 2. B. G (Ground transport) 3. C. AW (Aircraft and water vessel) 4. D. W (Water vessel)
7. The hazard class or division for “Rags, oily” is
1. A. 8 (Corrosive substances) 2. B. 2.2 (Non-flammable gases) 3. C. 9 (Miscellaneous hazardous materials) 4. D. 4.2 (Spontaneously combustible materials)
8. What is the packing group for Ethyl chloroacetate?
1. A. PGI only 2. B. PGII only 3. C. PGIII only 4. D. PGI, II, or III
9. The bulk packaging authorization requirements for “Nitrous oxide” is found in
1. A. Column 8A of the HMT 2. B. Column 8C of the HMT 3. C. §173.306 of the HMR 4. D. Column 8B of the HMT
10. The proper shipping name for a hazardous material is found in _______________ of the HMT.
1. A. Column 5 2. B. Column 4 3. C. Column 3 4. D. Column 2
11. A shipment of “Ammonium acetate” with an aggregate gross weight of 7,500 pounds , is regulated as a ____________________.
1. A. hazardous substance 2. B. marine pollutant 3. C. radionuclide 4. D. severe marine pollutant
12. What is the identification number for Cotton, from the HMT?
1. A. UN1365 2. B. UN3096 3. C. NA1365 4. D. UN1364
13. The letter “W” in Column 1 of the HMT means the entry regulates the offering for transport or transportation of the material _______________, unless the material is a hazardous substance or a hazardous waste.
1. A. by aircraft 2. B. domestically 3. C. by vessel 4. D. internationally
14. The packaging exceptions for the proper shipping name “Ferric nitrate” are found in _______________ of the HMT.
1. A. Column 8A 2. B. Column 8B 3. C. Column 8C 4. D. Column 7
15. A 110-pound (net weight) package of “Aluminum phosphide” is regulated as ______________________.
1. A. a hazardous material 2. B. a radionuclide 3. C. both a hazardous material and a hazardous substance 4. D. a marine pollutant
16. What is the proper shipping name for “Sodium hypochlorite, solution”?
1. A. Sodium hypochlorite, solution is an acceptable proper shipping name 2. B. Flammable, liquid, n.o.s. 3. C. Hypochlorite sodium solutions 4. D. Hypochlorite solutions
17. The hazardous material “Boron tribromide, UN2692” is forbidden to be transported in _______________ mode(s) of transportation.
1. A. the passenger and cargo aircraft 2. B. the passenger rail car 3. C. the vessel 4. D. Both A. and B.
18. A ten-pound package of “Fluorine” is regulated as a hazardous substance in ______________ mode(s) of transportation.
1. A. the air 2. B. all 3. C. the highway 4. D. the vessel
19. Which of these proper shipping names is an acceptable alternative for the proper shipping name “Petroleum gases, liquefied”?
1. A. Propanethiols 2. B. Isoheptanes 3. C. Pentane 4. D. Liquefied petroleum gas
20. What do the letters “RQ” represent, that are displayed in Table 1 to Appendix A of the HMT?
1. A. reportable quantity 2. B. restricted quantity 3. C. registered quantity 4. D. required quantity
21. The hazard class or division for the proper shipping name “Cartridges, small arms” is __________________________________.
1. A. Div 1.3G (Explosives with a fire hazard) 2. B. Div 1.4G (Explosives with no significant blast hazard) 3. C. Div. 6.1 (Toxic substances) 4. D. ORM-D (Other regulated materials)
22. Which of these four marine pollutants is NOT classified as a Severe Marine Pollutant?
1. A. Chlorine 2. B. Aldrin 3. C. Dieldrin 4. D. Lindane
23. If a liquid marine pollutant is not listed by name in the §172.101 Hazardous Materials Table, then it must be offered for transportation on the shipping paper as:
1. A. Hazardous waste, liquid, n.o.s., NA3082 2. B. Environmentally hazardous substances, liquid, n.o.s., UN3082 3. C. Marine pollutant 4. D. Environmentally hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s., UN3077
24. The substances DDT, EPN, and PCBs all have what in common?
1. A. Each is a marine pollutant, but is not classified as a severe marine pollutant (SMP). 2. B. Each is a hazardous substance as listed in Table 1 to Appendix A. 3. C. Each is a marine pollutant and classified as a severe marine pollutant (SMP). 4. D. Each is listed as a proper shipping name in the HMT.
25. What is the identification number for the proper shipping name “Nicotine”?
1. A. UN1655 2. B. UN3144 3. C. UN1654 4. D. UN1656