4.1 Marine Pollutants
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    The marine pollutant requirements, specified under the HMR, apply to all marine pollutants transported by vessel; but do not apply to nonbulk shipments transported by air, rail, or highway. Marine pollutants are identified in Appendix B of the HMT. Each shipper must determine if the material is a marine pollutant. Let’s try an example. See if Copper cyanide, is a marine pollutant by checking to see if it is listed in Appendix B to §172.101, List of Marine Pollutants. As you can see it is, now check to see if Copper cyanide is a proper shipping name found in the HMT. It is in the HMT, thus Copper cyanide is a marine pollutant, and Copper cyanide is the proper shipping name to be used. For more information on the definition of a marine pollutant, please click on the book icon in the right corner of the screen and select §171.8; or for marine pollutant exceptions, select §171.4.
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      App B to §172