Column 4 is labeled Identification Numbers and lists the 4-
digit identification number assigned to each proper shipping
name. These 4digit numbers provide quick identification of all
hazardous materials. It is critical to emergency responders that
the numbers are accurate and that they are correctly written
and legibly displayed. Those preceded by the letters “UN” are
associated with proper shipping names considered appropriate
for international transportation as well as domestic
transportation. Those preceded by the letters “NA” are
associated with proper shipping names only recognized for
domestic transportation. Notice the “D” and “I” symbols in
column 1 of these entries for sulfur. The entry used for
international shipping uses a U.N. number, and division 4.1.
The entry for domestic shipping uses an NA number and class
9. Different rules apply to international shipments of sulfur and
domestic shipments of sulfur, although both are permitted,
when the correct provisions of the HMR are met.