3.2 Flow
Under the flow refers to
the volume a medium (eg, air),
that within a unit time (such as one hour)
through an opening (seen as a cross cutting width * height)
Volume flow is measured in the following units
See more room tips
  • m 3 /h cubic meters per hour
  • m 3 /s cubic meters second
  • cfm cubic feet per minute
  • l / s liters per second.
  • Why do we care about the amount of air that is moved?
    1. For example, because there is a requirement in some countries that 0.4 to 0.6 times per hour in the air to be exchanged offices.
    1. When welding is for reasons of occupational safety moves air to exhaust pollutants.
    1. For a correct interpretation of the ventilation systems.
    The volume flow rate (ie the amount of air volume) can be calculated based on the required number of air changes per hour for a given space.
    as air exchange It is recommended to replace four to six times per hour, the air in a cheese production.

    If the room is 10 meters wide, 10 meters long and 3 meters high, the required air flow rate is at 6 Jump: (10 x 10 x 3) x 6 air changes per hour = 1800 m 3 /h
    as air filters Also for the design of a fan, it is necessary to determine the amount of air to be conveyed.

    Flow calculation of an air filter Inlet air velocity times area = volume flow
    q = v × A
    q = flow of air through air cleaner m 3 /s (flow rate)
    v = air speed m /s
    A = inlet area m 2 (length * width)
    Clean Air Solution
    1Indoor Air Quality
    2Air Particles
    3Introduction to Fan Technology
    4Case Studies
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