1.6 When buildings make you sick
  1. Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

    This technical term describes cases where residents have acute health complaints or comfort shortcomings associated obvious with the amount of time they spent in the building.

    In these cases, no specific disease and no specific reason can be identified.
    1. In a report by the World Health Organization is thought that up to 30% of new and renovated buildings with indoor air quality problems have to fight the world.
  1. Building Related Illness (BRI)

    This technical term describes a disease that occurs when the person has been exposed to the air of the building. In these cases, the symptoms point to a diagnosable illness that is directly associated with particles in the air.
    1. Legionnaires 'disease and hypersensitivity pneumonitis are examples of BRI that can have very serious, even life-threatening consequences.
  1. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)

    A small percentage of the population responds to a large number of chemical substances in the air, even at very low concentrations.
    1. The MCS is not currently recognized by the major medical organizations, further investigations are necessary.
Clean Air Solution
1Indoor Air Quality
2Air Particles
3Introduction to Fan Technology
4Case Studies
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