1.3 A complex matter
Factors that are examined Indoor air quality is a complex matter, since each new problem case quite different factors may play a role.

The professionals in this area have four agreed factors that are always first examined in detail.
  1. Source

    There is a source of pollutants, or discomfort in the building, in the area or within the mechanical systems of the building.
  1. Ventilation

    The ventilation system is not able to eliminate existing pollution and / or to guarantee thermal comfort. A space temperature and humidity is assumed to be thermal comfort here that are pleasant for most residents.
  1. Pollutant pathways

    One or more paths connect the source of the pollutants with the fields of the residents and there is a driving force that moves the contaminants in these ways.
  1. Resident

    There are residents express concerns about indoor air quality.
Methods For determination of the room air quality different methods are used:
  1. air samples are collected,
  1. observed extent to which people are exposed to pollutants,
  1. one takes samples of the building surface,
  1. it can be used to track the flow of air within the building computer models.
Clean Air Solution
1Indoor Air Quality
2Air Particles
3Introduction to Fan Technology
4Case Studies
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