2.15.3 2.15c Final Exam
Select the appropriate answer for each question or enter the answer in the blank provided. When you are done, click the button to submit your answers and find out your score.

If you get 10 out of 14 questions correct on the next page you will get a certificate.
1. The 2008 Olympics will be held in:
1. A. Greece 2. B. Beijing 3. C. Sydney
2. Which of the following are summer Olympic sports?
1. A. Swimming 2. B. Windsurfing 3. C. Figure Skating 4. D. Track 5. E. Skate Boarding
3. Which of the following are summer Olympic sports? (Hold down the "ctrl" key to choose more then one correct answer.)
4. Which of the following Olympics will be held in 2008?
5. The first Olympics was held in Greece in 776 BC
True False
6. A cross-country foot race of 26 miles, 385 yards is called a:
7. Within 0.5 seconds, what is the world record for the men's 100m race?

8. Sequence the following Olympics in chronological order.
 * 1. A. Sydney
 * 2. B. Berlin
 * 3. C. Beijing
 * 4. D. Munich
 * 5. E. Atlanta
9. Which ball is used for tennis?
Show HintClick the yellow fuzzy ball.
10. Which ball is used for tennis?
11. Would you like to attend the Olympics?
No, I am not interested Yes, I would like to No Opinion
12. Match the country with the city. (Mouse over the choice in the first column, click the border, mouse over the choice in the second column, click the border.)
1. A. USA 2. B. China 3. C. Greece 4. D. Australia
1. A. Athens 2. B. Atlanta 3. C. Sydney 4. D. Beijing
13. Match the ball to the sport. Mouse over the ball, when the box changes color click your mouse and drag it to the picture of the player, click your mouse when the box changes color.
1. A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D.
1. A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D.
14. Drag the player to the ball. (Mouse over the choice box, click the box when the outline changes color. Drag the box to the correct choice and click your mouse.)
1. A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5. E.
Show HintClick the yellow fuzzy ball.