2.1 SmartPhone software
There is a lot of talk in the media about applications that run on a SmartPhones and Tablets.
  1. Many of these applications are games or productivity tools like scheduling or notification software.
    1. These applications run natively on the SmartPhone or Tablet - not on top of their browser.
    1. The Apps need to be downloaded and installed on the SmartPhone or Tablet.
  1. Many organizations have web courses.
    1. Web courses run on top of a browser.
    1. Learners can access a course via an organization's intranet or web site. They don't need to go to a third party site to download and install anything.
  1. Most eLearning courses work well on a computer but work poorly on a SmartPhone.
  1. Very few tests work at all on a SmartPhone.
  1. Most LMS's don't work with a SmartPhone or tablet (more on that later).
It's True! It's True! The world is becoming more mobile. If you want to continue to access learners including: customers, clients, prospects, employees, and partners; you need to make sure your courses work in the environment the learners are using.