6.14.1 6.14a Test
ReadyGo supports 15 different types of test questions including test questions build with other tools. The test on the last page of chapter two includes all types of ReadyGo test questions. If you pass the last test in the course you will receive a certificate.
1. Which text style should be avoided in most courses?
1. A. Varying sentence structure 2. B. Information flow that builds from one page to another. 3. C. Humor: jokes to a course to make a course fun. 4. D. Consistent word usage throughout the course. Punctuation, spelling, and grammar should be accurate.
2. You can make courses less overwhelming and easier for students by:
1. A. Creating very large courses with many chapters 2. B. Simplifying concepts by providing multiple methods for students to learn the same concept 3. C. Creating in-depth articles
3. A is used to measure a students knowledge.
4. An exercise ...
1. A. Should always include lots of multimedia 2. B. Is used to reinforce an idea or concept 3. C. Must include lots of graphics and links to other sites
5. A Step-By-Step procedure is most effective when...
1. A. You need to provide additional explanations of the concept 2. B. You want to link a student to a resource on the Internet 3. C. You want to have the student try out a concept. 4. D. You need to break a concept into a series of steps
6. Choose all that are correct: The primary use of a test is to...
1. A. ...test minor points to make sure the student has good reading comprehension 2. B. ...reinforce concepts through repetition 3. C. ...measure a student's knowledge 4. D. ...check if the student paid attention by being tricky.