8.1.1 8.1a Post-test
ReadyGo supports 15 different types of test questions including test questions build with other tools. The test on the last page of chapter two includes all types of ReadyGo test questions. If you pass the last test in the course you will receive a certificate.
1. When creating a course, what comes first, second ...
 * 1. A. Having someone check out your course to ensure it works correctly
 * 2. B. Releasing your course to the general population
 * 3. C. Identifying what graphics need to be created
 * 4. D. Creating an outline
 * 5. E. Creating your course
 * 6. F. Identifying your objective
2. Choose all that apply: Audio
1. A. Only 10% of people learn by listening to audio 2. B. Audio courses with a few bullet point to back up the speaker are very effective 3. C. Not everyone has the ability to listen to audio at their desk 4. D. When people hear audio they tend to look away from their computer and start to multi-task. 5. E. Not everyone has the ability to listen to audio at their desk
3. True or False: Before you create a course you should write out your goals and objectives.
True False
4. A beta plan provides you with:
1. A. A technical review where several other subject experts can provide you with feedback 2. B. An editorial review 3. C. Identification of what you want tested, how many people will test the course, how long testing will take place, how you plan on implementing tester comments. 4. D. An opportunity to test the course to ensure it meets the needs of the students.
5. Standards allow for many behaviors by the course content based on how the course author wants to deliver it. When integrating a course what behaviors should you consider?
1. A. You want students to be able to retake the tests until they pass them. 2. B. Do students' previous results get overwritten when they retake a test? 3. C. Can students revisit content that they have "completed"? 4. D. You may want to declare content "completion" only when the student reaches the end of the course.
6. The primary use of test questions is to...
1. A. ...test minor points to make sure the student has good reading comprehension 2. B. ...reinforce concepts through repetition 3. C. ...measure a student's knowledge 4. D. ...check if the student paid attention by being tricky.
7. You can make courses less overwhelming and easier for students by:
1. A. Creating very large courses with many chapters 2. B. Simplifying concepts by providing multiple methods for students to learn the same concept 3. C. Creating in-depth articles
8. An exercise ...
1. A. Should always include lots of multimedia 2. B. Is used to reinforce an idea or concept 3. C. Must include lots of graphics and links to other sites
9. Any graphic you find on the web can be saved and put into your course.
True False
10. When creating graphics ask your graphic artist to:
1. A. Do whatever they want. The Internet can read any type of graphic. 2. B. Create graphics using GIF, PNG, or JPG formats. In general they should create graphics that are less than 300 x 300 pixels 3. C. Save your current brochure graphics in a graphic format
11. Which text style should be avoided
1. A. Sentence structure should vary to keep users interested. 2. B. The information flows and builds from one page to another. 3. C. Humor makes learning fun - add jokes to a course to make it fun. 4. D. Word usage should be consistent throughout the course. Punctuation, spelling, and grammar should be accurate.
12. eLearning should always use best of breed web design
True False