7.14 What questions do I need to ask?
When you purchase an authoring tool and an LMS you need to ask the vendor the following questions:
  1. Questions course developers need to ask of their LMS vendor:
    1. What standards do you support?
    1. How much of the standard have you implemented?
    1. For example: Can they save a score for each page of test questions? If so do they save one score per course, one score per test, or one score per test question? If a student re-takes a test does the first score get stored or overwritten?
  1. Questions course developers need to ask of their authoring tool vendor:
    1. What standards do you work with?
    1. Have you customized your implementation for different LMSs? Since each LMS implements the standards slightly differently, a course saved as "AICC" might not work with any "AICC" LMS.
    1. For example: Have you successfully run your courses with the ADL/SCORM self-test? Will my student need a plug-in for this communication? What information do you actually send to an LMS e.g. if you are SCORM conformant does that mean you can save a test score? If so do you save one score per course, one score per test, or one score per test question? What other information can you send?
It's True! It's True! Just because a vendor has implemented SCORM does not mean all course information is being saved.