4.9 Multimedia Recommendations
Many companies already have sources of videos that they would like to integrate with a course. You can integrate many types of multimedia into a web course. Here are some of our recommendations for deploying multimedia:
  1. Streaming video is a technology similar to TV where the video is sent over the Internet or your company's Intranet.
    1. Videos are an excellent tool to visually explain a specific task or how a specific task works.
    2. Video needs large bandwidth (high speed data transfer lines) to be received by a student in a reasonable amount of time.
    3. It is best to break movies into short (one to two minute) segments. By four minutes most people have stopped watching a video.
    4. We recommend that you turn your videos into Flash files.
      1. Flash is supported across most browsers while video formats like mpeg is not.
      2. Many companies do not support video formats on employees computers since they don't want employees watching TV or visiting sites like UTube while at work.
  1. Flying bullets are not multi-media. They might work well in and instructor led presentation. It is highly frustrating to wait for a bullet to fly onto the page in order to read the information being presented.
Tip Tip The goal is to provide students with quality easy-to-use training material. Don't get caught up in the "flash" of multimedia. Use multimedia prudently to make the course more effective.