Different tools are needed to create Traditional eLearning, Rapid eLearning, and Synchronous eLearning.
Traditional eLearning tools:
Traditional eLearning developers use “Power User” tools. These tools are designed for graphics artist, web designers, programmers, and instructional design experts.
It typically takes weeks if not months to learn how to proficiently use these tools.
Rapid eLearning tools:
Rapid eLearning developers, typically SME's, need tools that produce interesting multi level courses but do not require a graphic or design background.
Since most SME's are not producing content full time the tool needs to be as easy to use as Power Point.
Synchronous eLearning tools:
To successfully host a Synchronous eLearning session you need at a minimum a conference line and a shared presentation either at a web site or using a conference tool like WebEx or GoToMeeting.
Synchronous eLearning sessions are similar to classroom training. Since the material does not need to stand on its own a presentation tool like Power Point is used.
Simulation tools
Simulation tools are a subset of eLearning tools. That is, you use a simulation tool to create a single simulation. You then add the simulation to a web course you build using a traditional or rapid eLearning tool.
There are many simulation tools available on the market. Some tools create screen-snap-shot simulations, while other tools create games.