
2.4 Rapid eLearning Delivery Methods |
Both Synchronous and Asynchronous delivery methods are used for Rapid eLearning.
Synchronous training is when students and teachers meet at a specific time and the teacher leads the training session.
Synchronous eLearning is similar to traditional classroom training.
Typically the students and instructor are on a conference call, log onto the same web page, or log onto an online white board facility.
Power Point is the authoring tool of choice for Synchronous eLearning sessions.
Most synchronous delivery systems include a shared white board for viewing Power Point presentations or for allow the teacher to let everyone else view their desktop. The teacher controls the slide or white board while the student listens to the lecture and views the white board or slide from their computer.
Asynchronous is when training material is made available on the web and students access it as needed.
Asynchronous training is student guided.
Asynchronous eLearning is a course that resides on the internet, available to students when the student is free to be trained, 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Power Point is a poor choice for asynchronous training since it does not provide the breadth and depth of information necessary for material to stand on its own.