
3.3 Four Development Stages of Web Courses |
Many companies are moving training to the web. They go through the following steps when creating online training.
Stage 1: Canned courses
Initially companies look at getting courses online as quickly as possible. They purchase an LMS and a suite of canned generic courses. Unfortunately these generic courses cover less then 20% of the necessary training. They do not provide the just-in-time learning and company specific information most employees need.
Based on need and feedback most companies realize that they must produce courses that reflect their company's product, services, procedures, and culture.
Stage 2: Out-sourced Courses
Managers and trainers outsource the production of online courses to a training development company.
Outsourced courses are very expensive. Most organizations do not have the budget to fund a lot of outsourced courses. Organizations realize they need to bring the course development in-house.
Stage 3: Power Point
Managers and training organizations are scared to learn a new tool and want the online training project off their desk as quickly as possible. They put PowerPoint presentations of their classroom training on the web in hopes of meeting their online training deliverables.
Learners complain bitterly when they are forced to sit through a PowerPoint presentation on the web. Most PowerPoint presentations are slides with audio. Learners find them boring. Only 10% of people learn orally. Many learners don't learn anything since they click through the slides as quickly as possible or walk away while the automatic flash course plays.
Stage 4: Effective eLearning courses
Mangers take responsibility for creating interesting, effective training that learners will appreciate
This course shows you how to create an effective eLearning course.