3.4 ReadyGo Features
Many options have been embedded into the courses produced by ReadyGo with style sheets controlling the layout.
All navigation images and stock images can be turned off (use "display:none;") in the tag for each element.
If you want to use text-based links for navigation, these can be enabled from the style sheet. Delete the "display:none;" value from tags whose name contains "alt", such as "fwdbtntopalt". The text that is used for these links is derived from the "Labels and Text" dialog.
In the style sheet dialog, under the "Bullet Page" component, you will see the option to use components named "left" and "right". These are set up to vertically align the subpage links on the bullet page and place them to the left or right of the bullet points.
You can copy/paste the style sheet settings between courses by right-clicking on the blue-book dialog in the ReadyGo tree view.
