To understand the fundamentals of creating good web-based training, you need to understand the fundamentals of creating good web sites. The following are the basic elements that should be used in any web site or web application.
Simple and clean user interface
Access to any information within three clicks
No Bermuda triangles (dead ends that leave the student lost with no chance of finding their way back)
Sticky training classes (keep the student interested and involved)
Rapid download (no longer than 20 seconds with a goal of less then seven seconds for any page)
Ease of deployment on a company's Intranet, Extranet, or Internet site without requiring special technology for the server or the students.
Works on any screen and browser -
Displays properly on small (lap top) or high resolution screens.
Is tested and works with different versions of Microsoft, Netscape, AOL, and Safari browsers.
Use Local and Global navigation